Natural Dyeing: A Heritage of Colour at the V&A

It’s been an incredibly busy few weeks for us. There was a huge amount of preparation involved in getting ready to teach a comprehensive natural dyeing course at the V&A and thankfully I can safely say that our course ‘Natural Dyeing: A Heritage of Colour‘ couldn’t have gone better!

It was an intensive week and we were all exhausted by the end of it, some of us barely able to string a sentence together, but the consensus was that it had been a wonderful week. We received lovely feedback with one student saying it was the best course she’d ever been on! You can read all about the week’s itinerary and see more images in the journal post. If you missed this opportunity, contact the V&A Academy at to register your interest – 2024 is just around the corner!

We would both like to thank our great friend and teacher, the wonderful Jenny Dean, whose book we uses as the basis for this course, for all her ongoing help and support. A big shout out also goes to Liza Mackenzie, our V&A Academy producer (and Indigo grower and dyer herself) for supporting us and helping make the course a reality.

All text and images © moderneccentrics.